17.04.2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Join us on a litter pick with the Mottram St Andrews Fly Fishers to clean up the river Bollin! We will be meeting at Mottram Bridge, Mill Lane, Mottram St. Andrew, SK10 4LW. This work party will run from 10am-12:00pm.

Equipment will be provided, but if you have your own gloves and wellies please bring them with you. If you don't have wellies, please indicate on the order form if you would like to borrow some, and what size you will need.

To register for this event, please sign up via the Eventbrite link: 


The session is outdoors so make sure you have waterproofs and sun protection as needed. Bring plenty of food and water to keep you going, and your own work gloves if you have them. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and sturdy footwear (steel toe cap wellies you have them). Long trousers, long sleeves, and warm layers are recommended!

If you have any questions please contact Abi Cutler at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location information

Mottram Bridge

SK10 4LW Mottram St. Andrew
Mill Lane
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