Restore, Rewild, Realise

In 2018 we were successfully awarded a £20,000 grant from the Postcode Local Trust to carry out a habitat restoration project called ‘Restore, Rewild, Realise’.
This grant was used to ‘Restore’ river banks using natural materials such as willow and hazel hurdles. Habitats where invasive species have been controlled, but where local flora had been unable to re-establish successfully was planted up with native wildflowers, plants and trees. By doing this we helped stem the re-growth of invasives and give the natives a competitive advantage, and is the ‘Rewild’ part of the project. Local volunteers and schools were involved in restoring habitats and seeing wildlife thrive in restored areas.
The main event as part of this project was a Bioblitz, held in the summer to educate local children and adults on species identification, habitats, control of invasive species. By conducting simple nature surveys at this event, they learnt how to record and identify species, and ‘Realise’ the importance of local, native habitats.
This project took place throughout the course of 2018, and as well as benefitting native species and habitats, it also benefited volunteers by providing them with conservation skills and knowledge they may not have previously had. Schools also benefited from environmental education workshops being run as part of this project.

We are extremely thankful to the Postcode Local Trust for awarding us this grant. Sally Potts, Mersey Rivers Trust Project Manager said, ‘BEACON has been financially unable to undertake substantive habitat restoration works, and this will enable us to further progress our work, and build on the success of previous years’.
For more information or to get involved in similar projects, please contact us here.
Postcode Local Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
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